Friday, August 30, 2013

This picture has a pretty querky story to it. A couple months back when I was taking pictures for my cousin's baseball game. I saw a squirrel just running around being a squirrel. Eventually he climbed up to that spot and I guess he knew I wanted to take a picture of him because he stayed in that position just long enough for me to catch him. This is just proof of why I enjoy taking landscape photography so much.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blog 4

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?
I plan to interview Jack Bohlka because he is going to be my main mentor during my senior project. 

 2.  You have to ask 5 questions.  What additional questions do you plan to ask?
I still am trying to figure that out. I'll most likely ask about some pointers on how my mentor runs his studio. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3

#1: Running a Photography Studio

#2: What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs?  Be specific and use an example.  Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).

  • iPoly Citizen- I want to be a main part when it comes to the photos in the yearbook. I also want to work parallel with the prom committee as the person who documents the events through pictures. I'm also hoping to be one of the main leaders for a photography committee. 
  •  Effective Learner- I want to be able to proficiently manage my senior project while I am learning and developing it at the same time. I also want to be able to effectively learn from each core class so that neither my senior project nor my core classes become an issue when it comes to completing work.
  • Effective user of Technology- I want to learn how to effectively research articles on the internet that are relevant to my senior topic. I also want to learn how to branch out to find other research just as quickly. 
  • Effective Communicator- For this skill I am usually confident in communicating with others. The only major thing I would like to work on is being able to communicate my research in a more in-depth kind of way so people can really understand what my senior topic will be all about.        

Research Checks-Bibliography

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


2. I'm not sure if this question is asking for my contact information or my mentor's information. So i'll put my mentor's info.
 Mentor: Jack Bohlka
 Number to this Studio: (909) 981-6318 

3.The main question that came up throughout the mentorship hours is "What kind of techniques are there to properly model a person during a photo-shoot?" 

4. The most important thing I gained from this experience is that I was able to learn not only to use a camera properly, but also I have learned different techniques on how to use photo-shop.

5. This helped me decide my senior topic by actually creating a senior topic for myself. Before that, I had no idea what my senior topic was going to be.