Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monthly Blog Post-December

For this month's post, I think a good idea would be to talk about the mentor-ship I completed the beginning of this month, and the last day of school for us this month. Now for my mentor-ship, I assisted my mentor Jack by being his "cashier" during the first week of December. The mentor-ship consisted of Jack and I going to a dance studio named "The Dance Gallery" in Alta Loma. The pictures that Jack was taking was for portraits shots of all the dancers that were going to dance in the Gallery's next upcoming recital. Unfortunately since I had to be in the other room, I couldn't take any blog worthy photos. (Parents were understandably coming up to me to pay for their children's photos, and I wasn't allowed to walk into the dancers' dressing room, the only room that connected me to where Jack was taking photos.) Other than that fact, it was a pretty cool experience considering I have never handled someone else's money in that manner before. It was kinda fun being a cashier.
Now for some photos of south house's Secret Santa. 

It was really awesome to see all of south house come together the way we did. Mrs.Pittman couldn't spend that time with us, but that didn't stop us from wishing the best for her. 


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Exit Interview

1) Something positive you observed someone else do.
During party platform, Regina O. was picking out really specific things in the bill summaries. Actually for my bill especially she was able to create a very strong case for objection to consideration.

2) How best can a legislator pass a bill to promote their constituents' interests? 
I feel the best way a legislator can pass a bill to promote their constituents' interests is by having the ability to suede people, and always having specific data to back up what your saying. For example, for Day 4 of the model assembly, the first group that had the bill involving social media, they didn't bring enough real facts and figures that would convince the assembly to vote for their bill to pass. Whenever an assembly member asked a question about their bill that needed to be answered with data, that group would always work their way around the question.

  How were you voting on bills? Politico, Partisan, Trustee, or Delegate and why?
I was voting as a politico for the bills because I feel when a legislator begins to think in a more specific field such as Partisan, Trustee, or Delegate; it begins to really slow down proceedings. For example, Jeremy's bill which talked about allowing grants to disadvantaged communities with contaminated water. When you think about the specifics such as, "What is considered contaminated water?" or, "Why does this bill pertain more to health rather than Economy?" it tends to misguide people from the real goal of that bill. That bill would create a need to find citizens who are willing to work, with then will create a workforce, that workforce will in turn try to find a way to make the water safer for their communities, and when there is clean water, there is a safer community. The big picture was to create a safer standard of living for it's citizens. And for that reason, it should've been slightly easier for the assembly to try to make a decision at an earlier time.    

3) What worked best for you
I have to say that "Component 3: The Rules" was a great help because it involved basically what the basic rules are when participating in Model Assembly. Without the knowledge of the rules, there is absolutely no way for you as a student, can be proficient in the Model Assembly. The second component I feel that worked for best for me was "Component 5: ESA" not because I was good at it, because frankly trying to write out statistic can be kind of confusing. The reason why it worked for me was because it showed me that whenever someone tries to give information that involves data, you always need to go back and challenge where they got that data, and how reliable the source is to where they obtained that data from.

4) What didn't work for you 
I feel the first component that didn't for me was "Component 1: Discovering your Constituents" because during the simulation, there were some bills that seemed to have no connection to their constituents. I'd like to use group one as an example, their bill pertained too public employers not being allowed to forcibly requiring their employees to provide them with the email and password of their social media accounts. However, the city they were representing was Claremont, "The city of Trees and PhDs." I'm sure the people of their city don't have a need to worry about losing their jobs through social media. The second component that didn't work for me was "Component 6: Speech" because I just felt it was uncool to not get a chance to convince the assembly that my bill should've been passed.

5) Finding Value
What have you done in Model Assembly which shows that the iPoly mission is being taught? 
Throughout the Model Assembly, I have taken the time to really focus on the key points of what it really means to try to do something democratically. Whenever someone had a question about my bill, it was required of me to make sure I have all the research and knowledge that I need to answer that said question. And with that, Mrs. Pittman's lessons in properly and correctly identifying key research really helped me to create a strong foundation for my bill. The other side was the whole working with my committee and party. I have to say that trying to work with a political party is one of the toughest things to do. From that I learned that having a biased opinion about something or someone will do nothing but slow you down to complete the overall goal in any situation.

What did you learn during this project that can be applied to your senior project? 
Definitely the ESA research component. The ability to discover accurate statistics and data will no doubt always be a positive for when I am creating my complete answers for my EQ.            

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog 9

a) What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
I feel that this EQ does meet the criteria because the question makes you want to learn more about what kind of ways there are to lose weight, and also the fact that there isn't just one way to lose weight.

b) What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?
The EQ for this wording is specific, but does allow for deeper research to be done. So I feel that this could be a pretty decent EQ and I feel it does fit the rule of 3 as well.

c) What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
This EQ does involve a specific wording, but I don't feel that this topic could lead to a lot of future research.

d)  How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
I feel like this EQ may end up being too specific to where you wouldn't be able to find involve research for the normal senior year.

3. EQ draft:
What is the best way to run a successful and profitable photography studio for both event and portrait photography? 

Friday, November 1, 2013

October Monthly Post

So for this month I decided to post up some photos of this year's Scare Fair that I took for Yearbook.
Kicking it off with the prep of Scare Fair. Junior and Danny getting the tacos ready for the school.

Next is Nitjasin as a cholo and Brendan as a super tourist taking a picture with the mighty Paul. 

This picture is a picture of the dance team just before their performance.

Next we have the dance team doing their thing. 

Another photo of the dance team as you can plainly see the emotion in this freshman.

Next is Francisco caught off guard in his zombie sheriff outfit costume thing. (I didn't really know what he was to be honest.)

Finally I end this post with a picture of Nitjasin dragging a sophomore to the ever famous Ipoly jail. Which for the record gained over 200 dollars in profit.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Independent Component 1 Apporval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
My plan to complete the 30 hours is to TA for my mentor Jack for his ROP class.

 2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
  I think that the major things that I will show to prove I actually did 30 hours is first, show the spreadsheets of all my mentor-ship hours.
3.  Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
  What I do is help the ROP students whenever they need assistance in subject of the class, whether it be with their photography, or help with photoshop. So with that said, it'll help me stay on top of my own artistic skills to always stay ahead and come up with new ideas for my topic. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blog 8

1. What is your working EQ?
What is key to running a successful and profitable photography studio.

2. What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format. 
Have tons of experience in the field of running a business, such as having personal exprience in photography and business.

3. What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ?
The most important source I used to come up with this answer is "How To Win In The Sport Of Business" by Mark Cuban, general manager of the Dallas Mavericks.

4. Who is your mentor, or where are you volunteering, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?
My mentor is Jack Bolhka, he relates to my working EQ because he has been running his own photography studio for at least a decade.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September-Monthly Post

So for this month's post, I thought it would be cool to share some of the photos I took during my baby cousins' baptism. Their baptism was on the 14th of September. And what I did was basically document the whole event using pictures.
This is a photo of little baby Anthony being held by his mother Susie. His sister Angelina is sitting right next to them along with their dad and god-parents. 

During this photo, I caught Susie and the kids get distracted with something on Susie's dress. 

This picture shows little baby Anthony being baptized. As you can tell he really wasn't expecting what was going to happen. 

Here's little Anthony with his god-father after he was baptized.

Here's a picture of Anthony's sister Angelina being baptized now. 

And finally Angelina after she was baptized. I guess she wasn't really expecting it either. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blog 6

1.  Who is your mentor and where do they work?
My mentor is Jack Bohlka, he is self employed. His studio is named "Colour by Collier" 

2.  What five questions will ask them about their background?
1) What first inspired you to the type of work you do today? 
2) How would you describe your photography style? 
3) For the type of photography you mainly do, how important is marketing the product you create? 
4) What kinds of techniques do you use in order to market your product? 
5) What kinds of techniques do you use to stay ahead of your competition?

p.s. This is a major work in progress. So these questions will most likely change later on. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog 5

(1) Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?
From what has happened, I have begun to gain my mentor's trust for future events that he may do in the future. For example, I helped out my mentor Jack by filing and organizing the mug shot pictures for the yearbook.

(2) EQ Content:  Pick a piece of research or your interview.  How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?

Most of my research has been about how to run a successful business. So I guess my research has helped me improve a better understanding of the business aspect of photography.

(3) What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
What has worked for me so far is that my mentor basically works at iPoly two days a week and that is very helpful for when I have questions.

(4) What hasn't worked so far?  
I'm having a slight issue with what type of research to look for.

(5) Finding Value: 

  •  What is a potential question you would like to study this year?  (working EQ)
  •  What do you plan to do for mentorship?  If you haven't found a mentor yet, then discuss where you are currently looking and who you are talking to to find it.   
My potential EQ is "What is key to running a successful and profitable photography studio?"
What I plan to do for mentorship is with Jack Bohlka, I intend to tag along with him with any photography events I can help out with and I also intend to help him out with his studio in any way along with his ROP class. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

This picture has a pretty querky story to it. A couple months back when I was taking pictures for my cousin's baseball game. I saw a squirrel just running around being a squirrel. Eventually he climbed up to that spot and I guess he knew I wanted to take a picture of him because he stayed in that position just long enough for me to catch him. This is just proof of why I enjoy taking landscape photography so much.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blog 4

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?
I plan to interview Jack Bohlka because he is going to be my main mentor during my senior project. 

 2.  You have to ask 5 questions.  What additional questions do you plan to ask?
I still am trying to figure that out. I'll most likely ask about some pointers on how my mentor runs his studio. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3

#1: Running a Photography Studio

#2: What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs?  Be specific and use an example.  Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).

  • iPoly Citizen- I want to be a main part when it comes to the photos in the yearbook. I also want to work parallel with the prom committee as the person who documents the events through pictures. I'm also hoping to be one of the main leaders for a photography committee. 
  •  Effective Learner- I want to be able to proficiently manage my senior project while I am learning and developing it at the same time. I also want to be able to effectively learn from each core class so that neither my senior project nor my core classes become an issue when it comes to completing work.
  • Effective user of Technology- I want to learn how to effectively research articles on the internet that are relevant to my senior topic. I also want to learn how to branch out to find other research just as quickly. 
  • Effective Communicator- For this skill I am usually confident in communicating with others. The only major thing I would like to work on is being able to communicate my research in a more in-depth kind of way so people can really understand what my senior topic will be all about.        

Research Checks-Bibliography


Tuesday, August 20, 2013



2. I'm not sure if this question is asking for my contact information or my mentor's information. So i'll put my mentor's info.
 Mentor: Jack Bohlka
 Number to this Studio: (909) 981-6318 

3.The main question that came up throughout the mentorship hours is "What kind of techniques are there to properly model a person during a photo-shoot?" 

4. The most important thing I gained from this experience is that I was able to learn not only to use a camera properly, but also I have learned different techniques on how to use photo-shop.

5. This helped me decide my senior topic by actually creating a senior topic for myself. Before that, I had no idea what my senior topic was going to be.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

2013 2-Hour Presentation Reflections

1) These were the presentations I saw:
Theater acting-Dean
Personal Training-Andrew
Environmental non-profits-Audrianna
Water care-Ryan
Structural engineering-Andy
Art in education-Catherine
Flower shop admin-Aldo
Music education-Amanda

2) I don't have general questions at the moment for the senior project. I'll most likely have some later on throughout my senior year.

3) I believe that the most important part of the senior project after seeing the 2-hour presentations is, having the ability to make sure everyone understands why you choose the answer of your specific essential question.

4) The topic i'm considering on doing is Fine Art photography because ever since junior year has started for me, I just clicked with photography so easy. I also really enjoy just taking photos and trying to make a piece of art out of it.